Vampire Ashram & House Keresian

Featuring the Best Exotic Vampire Spirit Entity Bindings
and Related Spellcastings.

Welcome to Vampire Ashram

About Vampire Ashram 

Vampire Ashram is devoted first and foremost to the Almighty Father, Lord God, Creator of all that ever was, all that now is, all that shall ever be, and all that can never be. He alone is the Supreme God and Govenor Absolute over the CiaKhar Empire. The CiaKhar Empire itself, represents the darker enforcement entities that seek to serve His interests in stopping rebel forces such as Satan and others who act independent of Satan and include the interdimensional realms of His creation. The CiaKhar Empire is among the most vast and spans the multiverses. It is presently the most dynamic in terms of growth and is a multi-racial, multi-species Empire that operates as a dark military force devoted to serving the Most High and Holy God Almighty in accordance to His will.

Vampire Ashram is an extension of the CiaKhar Empire on Terra, or what is called “Earth.” We are opposed to Satanism, Luciferianism, and all other empires of darkness who rebel against the Father and eternal God Almighty. We hold the same spiritual beliefs of others of both the light and dark, for the Father created both. While the Empress of the CiaKhar Empire is Lucifera by name, and is the mother of the now departed Lucifer, who sought to overturn the CiaKhar Empire, she is what is termed, the “AyaKhar” Empress, above all other empresses she appoints for the vast sectors of the CiaKhar Empire. The CiaKhar in turn is in alliance with other light-guided Federations such as the Galactic Federation. We also have treaties with both light and dark empires such as the Dragon Empire and its vast empire. They also respect and obey the Father Almighty as the only perfect Creator, a belief held by the trillions of other Empires throughout His ever-expanding creation.

While the Aya-Khar Empress, Lucifera operates the strategic growth and planning of this vast Empire, she is assisted by a High Council and various councils of war, planning, and technology as well as interdimensional ambassadors who are tasked with building alliances or waging war as directed by the Almighty Father through the Emperor Drakarus, who has his throne by the side of the Almighty Father. He is also the god of War and High Priest, whose counterpart upon the home planet is the High Priestess Isis. She has been recently appointed after the death of Lucifer by Drakarus for an attempted coup to assassinate his mother, Lucifera. It is obvious from this fact that immortality is NOT unconditional and only the Father may exercise full and final extinction at the petition of the Lord of the Abyss who is also under the Divine Father’s guidance. Below is a summary of our spiritual beliefs and practices, and most of them are in complete agreement with those who know firsthand of their truth and is not unique to the CiaKhar Empire:

The Core Beliefs Held in Common Throughout the CiaKhar Empire:

It is essential to state our most essential core spiritual beliefs, for the CiaKhar is devoted to and run directly by the Almighty, All Holy, Wise and Perfect Creator of all that ever was, all that ever now is, and ever shall be, and all that can never be. The CiaKhar is a Dark Empire whose domains extend below Hell into the Bottomless Abyss, and whose Lord of the Abyss is likewise solely obedient to the Divine Father. While the CiaKhar is the darkest Empire under the Father, we work with and side-by side with His light working archangels and all others of the light whenever tasked by the Father to do so. We hold in highest esteem the Archangel Michael and others which are from time to time assigned to assist the Empire and vice-versa. We believe, as other Empires do, that freewill is the Father’s greatest gift, and thus we do not impose our spiritual beliefs on others, but will not and cannot accept some of the beliefs of “religions” as practiced on Earth. There are indeed great differences in the beliefs held by the CiaKhar Empire. We therefore hold these following truths to be self-evident by all civilizations throughout the multiverse who are of an evolved nature such that their DNA has not been corrupted as it has been on Earth, meaning that texts on Earth, a planet dominated by Satan, are by their nature subject to corruptions whose singular purpose is to divert direct worship of God the Divine Father onto a savior and by extension allow for the perversion of worship through theological corporations of corruption for profit and power, both secular and religious. Without a theological excursus on the subject, as Jesus Christ himself states in the Book of Revelation: “I am the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and the end)” This we hold to be a truthful uncorrupted saying, whereby he clearly states that he is not God; for God alone is perfect and eternal and has neither beginning nor end. This in turn, refutes the claim elsewhere made or implied that he is God and part of a Trinity. Further, God the Father has placed limitations upon Himself such that He cannot and shall never take imperfection (trespasses, or what are called “sins”) upon Himself. Thus, saviors are a nullification of this most basic of spiritual principles concerning His own perfect mandates. Thus, we deny any and all “substitutionary” salvations, so said.

Worship, we consider to have two parts: Loving and adoring God the Father with full and earnest devotion. We also consider it the highest honor to practice “Workship,” by obedience in accordance to what the Father dictates for His separate creations. This means while the commandments may be altered for any given civilization based upon how the civilization is organized, so too will it be altered to fit the civilization created by God, who is the sole authority of how said civilization is governed. For a practical example, the vast majority of empires and federations in the multiverse do not have surnames for the following reason: There is a universal teaching that the given name which is a singular one, reflects the fact that to a son or daughter, the embodied entity which the spirit has been gifted, has been inherited just as his or her father and mother came into the appointed creation. In other words, there is no attachment to exclusion by tracing one’s ancestral line for purposes of worship, etc. The father is gifted with a son or daughter, and the son or daughter is gifted with guardians tasked to support, guard and educate and prepare the offspring for a fitting role in said civilization. As such, surnames imply a possession of exclusivity that does not in reality exist. The child is the gift of God to the parents and the parents are a gift to the child, and thus the circle of life is made complete. This is a universal trait of all advanced civilizations, not just the CiaKhar Empire.

The vast majority of civilizations of every type believe in what is termed reincarnation. We deny and abhor the doctrine that God gives but one lifetime, be it 100 or 10,000 years, and then judgement. That would be the cruelest of fates, for how would it be fair to judge the merits or defects of a life of entity X whose lifespan is a meager 150 years to that of one whose lifespan is that of 40,000 years? How could that possibly serve the twin pillars of God: His Mercy and His Justice? The doctine of one life then judgement falls apart upon such a rational and true account of how God operates. He is most merciful and grants many lifetimes upon many planets and civilizations since He alone has the divine right to make such executive and divine decisions. At the same time, He may be petitioned by the Lord of the Abyss to devote to destruction an entity such as Lucifer or Satan whose unrepentent and evil acts are of such a heinous and continuously unrepentant nature that it would be unjust to allow them to continue. And many such fall under His divine right to uncreate and dissolve by judicial standards set by Him and as petitioned by the Lord of the Abyss. By His justice and equity the Lord of the Abyss is exempt from destruction, even from the Divine Father since by mutual agreement upon his creation, the Father has stripped the freewill of his most dark of creations, allowing for the accumulation of massive power and checked by the near absence of freewill. Thus, it would be an oxymoron to suggest that destruction incarnate could somehow be destroyed. Such is the perfect workings of the only, all perfect, wise and just Creator.

A Prayer to the Almighty God and Father Eternal

A sample prayer that may be said by all, and is in a standard format that acknowledges the soverign and perfect holiness of God follows, as is given to those of the CiaKhar Empire:

“Almighty Father, Divine Creator of all that ever was, and all that now is, and all that ever shall be, and all that can never be, I pray to have your wisdom always within my heart to work your perfect will, knowing I am imperfect, and granted every one of my lives by You alone for the purpose of my spiritual evolution, to be judged upon the merits and defects of the freewill given me as a birthright. Father, I pray for your wisdom, I pray for your guidance, I pray for all that your will intends for me as your servant to perform that may please you in any way. I thank you for the opportunity to serve you, to love you, to work in peace or in war to your benefit as it serves others, knowing each has gifts that you desire to manifest more abundantly throughout eternity. May this be so for Your servant. And may all glory be accorded to Your most divine and holy honor, will, power and wisdom. Thank You Father.”

(*Note: We never use the phrase ‘Amen’ which devotes the prayer wrongly to Amen-Ra, an Egyptian god as carried over as a biblical corruption)

About Lucien Mars & Damien Dumar

Lucien Mars is the author of several books related to vampiric and/or reptilian spirituality. The Ultra-Royals of the Reptilian and Vampiric CiaKhar Empire are Lucifera, the Aya-Khar Empress, Drakarus, the Warlord Emperor of the CiaKhar and Lilith, his War Goddess [who has renounced Lucifer, Satan and all affiliated demonic principalities].  Damien Dumar is responsible for all marketing and editorial services and outreach. He also hosts podcasts on the related themes presented in the best-selling book, The Last Harvest by Lucien Mars which is available in several languages, an eBook and audio presentation, and may be purchased on Amazon. He has appeared on numerous podcasts nationwide and can be contacted via

~Ave Aya-Khar, Ave CiaKhar, Ave Lucifera~