Notes from the Nightside2024-01-18T00:49:38+00:00

Notes from the Nightside:

Notes from the Nightside is a collection of thoughts and responses that we’ve deemed as “noteworthy” contributions to the vampire community as a whole, and to the clients of Vampire Ashram in particular.

Notes from the Nightside is a multipurpose “blog,” if you will, of thoughts and responses that we’ve deemed as “noteworthy” contributions to the vampire community as a whole, and to the clients of Vampire Ashram in particular. Thus, while the focus will always remain the same, Notes from the Nightside will address any and all topics under the Moon that come to mind. It’s akin to Table-talk, as if you and I were having a casual conversation over coffee and a corpse perhaps, or to serve the purpose of an instructional dialogue and feedback given to others who may have the same questions about who and what we are. Notes from the Nightside will change on no particular date, so please check back frequently for updates as they occur. Some will be abbreviated and included in the FAQ section as well. Carpe Noctum!

Christofascist Project 2025 America Beware!

Neo-Nazi Christian Nationalism Plans an Election Takeover in 2024 The Roots of Christianity include Incestual Pornography & Fascist Insanity The American Bill of Rights begins and ends with a warning for government to stay out of religion. The First Amendment (that the Christian Fascist Heritage Foundation wants to destroy as outlined in its distopian [...]

Why We Are Sending Billions of Tax Dollar$ in Bombs to Israel: Is It the House of Congress That the Satanic Freemasons Built?

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“Freedom without power is impotence, and power without freedom is mockery.”
~Lucien Mars

Lucien Mars - Author - Vampire Arveda Yoga