About Vampire Ashram
Vampire Ashram is devoted to the ancient entities of vampyrism and demonology as ruled by Lucifera, The Original Vampire Goddess.
In Nomine Sanguis. In Nomine Lux. In Nomine Lucifera.
Practices of Vampire Ashram
PLEASE NOTE: Effective on April 9th, 2024, we will no longer be offering Vampire Transformations. This rite has been discontinued at the direction of Lucifera due to the rapid and escalating changes and chaos happening in the world after the final destruction of Lucifer in 2023.
Our History: Vampire Ashram LLC was incorporated in 2012. Prior to that time, Lucien Mars worked solo with a number of private clients. We are a vampire temple and working conclave devoted to serving and worshipping the trans-dimensionally powerful Vampire Goddess, Lucifera. Our goals are to serve and exalt her extended reign over various planetary and spiritual powers in the multiverse in conjunction with the exaltation of the Creator, commonly known as the Father or God Lucifera is also the Eternal Aya Khar of the vast Empire known as the CiaKhar Empire. We acknowledge Lucifera as the primal vampire goddess above all others as eldest in presence and supreme in power. Because she worships the Supreme and eternal Father, all acolytes are expected to do likewise under the meditations and rules incorporated in the Life to Life Transformation process. Satan and his allies are enemies of the CiaKhar and are host to rebellious ones who defected from the vampiric CiaKhar Empire during the age of the Phaorahs. We acknowledge no savior, either positive such as Jesus, nor negative such as Satan as worthy to be considered equals or rivals of the Divine Father. Both allow for unlimited sin to reign in its own way, either by dogmatic justification or active rebellion. As such, all saviors must be renounced for those who wish to devote themselves to the Life to Life Transformation program. For more information you may contact Damien Dumar, Executive Director at damiendumar@proton.me
Our website consists of numerous entities of the darkside who are directly bound to you for purposes of energy alignment, sexual and romantic companionship and guardianship as the most common traits people generally seek. We do not discriminate against anyone’s sexual orientation or preferences and our listings reflect that fact. Adopting a vampiric entity is a responsibility and an honor not to be treated lightly as these are awarded a place in one of the most powerful empires and/or the underworld. There is a myth that light is always battling against darkness. This is a gross oversimplification. Let me give you an example from the Bible itself: When the angel of death was ordered by the Father to bypass any household that had made a sacrifice and painted the doorway red with blood, the Angel of Death obeyed the Father, then promptly killed all the firstborn sons of Egypt. That angel is a dark entity without an ounce of light in his being, yet he worked in behalf of the Father, not because he was light, after all he slaughtered so-called innocent children in great numbers. He was a vampiric killing angel, period. And yet he was rewarded for this wholesale slaughter without which the Jews would have remained slaves to the Egyptian tyranny and their own attempted genocide. Darkness that is extreme has only one enemy when aligned with the Father: darkness in rebellion. Lucifera worships the Father, the Emperor worships the Father, and every colony, planet and outpost bows down to the Father Creator. We do not fight with Light Angels or beings, we work with them, hard as that is to grasp for a human mind that lives for what…a puny 100 years if that? God the Father says in the Bible in no uncertain terms: I created good and evil. Yet humans think he did this out of spite for some odd reason. No, he did it because these older entities and planets that have been in existence for trillions, yes trillions, of years don’t believe in God, they don’t have to: they know him for a fact so there is no need for belief or faith. There is only a need for obedience and the call to do what one was created to do. He doesn’t speak through texts that are corrupted but directly to the High Council of both the CiaKhar Empire and the Galactic Federation and others.
Why is this important to note? Because the entities being bound also despise Satan although some are brothers or sisters who chose to side with Satan. Lucifer when he existed, was also opposed to Satan. I once spoke directly to Satan about this, and he confirmed that he thought Lucifer was a pompous idiot, as he also does of me while on the subject. Yet the Left Hand Path believes -as most people do- that Lucifer and Satan and the Devil are all one person with different nicknames. It’s absurdly ignorant to assume that the galaxies and multiverses are covered in some kind of spiritual amber that preserves eternal relationships, when humans have a divorce rate themselves of over 50%. Lilith hates Satan, she even goes out of her way to torture him. Hard as this is to believe, and you are certainly free not to believe what I’m telling you, but it doesn’t change the facts as known by the Majians, the reptilians, the Galactic Federation and the Grays. That said, it means that all the skids of grimoires touting these absurdities are without any basis in fact, but rely upon the same dogmatic religious zeal that cannot abide or allow God to give freewill the reign he does. They don’t admit to it, but they would love to lead God by a leash of their dogmas until he yields or explains why he doesn’t do as they ask, require, demand and pontificate about endlessly. He is God, his rights are supreme and it’s His multiverse to run as he sees fit. He is not a trinity but a singular unity of divine perfection without ever needing to or wanting to incarnate and act as a savior for an elite group of sinners seeking fire insurance and the ability to sin in perpetutity without consequences, a ridiculously dangerous notion more worthy of Satan than the Father who knows better. If it was otherwise the rest of the multiverse would also be Christian. None are. Or Hindus who think Krishna is God, when he knows that isn’t true. Krishna is a hybrid Majian Warlord who was physically present and engaged in nuclear wars in primitive times, launching attacks from the Vamana space craft. He is also a dark warlord beloved by the Father who entertained a harem of Gopis which his followers mystify away with arcane nonsense even now. None are equal to the Father. He does NOT share his glory but in part with his creation. Don’t like it? Too bad. Yes, Jesus existed and the humans destroyed him, altered his words, made him contradict himself at every turn and let loose all the satanic hatred that could be mustered in his name.
Many people have asked why I took the Vampire Arveda Yoga Book out of print and it is due to the above mentioned fact, that while humans were busy calling on Lucifer he was suddenly last year, assassinated and destroyed. In the book there was a call to Lucifer that was contained since he had returned to work for Lucifera and the Father until he turned against both and sought to assassinate Lucifera but was prevented by the Emperor who ordered his death after consulting with the Father. That being the case, what sense is there in calling upon thin air? Let others sham the public, I refuse to do so, and hence the book was removed from being published. And the CiaKhar Empire has benefited from his removal with a new era and spirit that is prevading it, bolstering the long standing alliance with the Galactic Federation. Unlike Earth which uses primitive technology, empires from far distant galaxies keep watch as if they were the eyes of God themselves, and the CiaKhar is on the rise. No other Empire has attracted such high powered talent in such short order. And here you have Earth, one lone marble that only exists because of its strategic placement and no other reason. Nobody else takes humans serious at all, they feel, like the Father only supreme pity for the turmoil and primitive beliefs and medical technology along with the overabundance of greed and sheer ignorance that is literally destroying the planet humans were charged to oversee. And the end is not long off now for that gross dereliction of duty.
Thus, if you adopt entities here that are bound to you and then assume to go on a shopping spree with satanic entities and others who are opposed to Lucifera, then you create a war and manifestations of either entity immediately cease. Here is who works with Lucifera: All those listed here, Hecate and especially Chamunda whom the Hindus claim is a Matrika (or Dark Mother Goddess) but her extreme power says otherwise and she is not tied directly to the Hindu pantheon except by her presence in the area. She and Lilith are closer than almost any other two queens can be. Both are deadly and care not one whit about witches or sorcerers who are not connected to the CiaKhar Empire or loyal to serving Lucifera since they both have thrones on the High Council, having been recruited by Lucifera just prior to the murder of a very powerful daughter of Lilith’s by Lucifer out of jealousy. This is the current history of these two in particular. Lilith does not go around talking or conversing or having messages for humans or snuffing the life out of jewish babies. She has evolved into a supremely more powerful queen of darkness than she ever was when most of her time was spent on Earth. In short, you would not recognize her now compared to the mythology built up around her. Yes, she has millions of daughters who are split in their allegiance, some follow her, others rebel against her. That is the nature of beings with free will. And that will always be the case. Nothing is so constant as change in the creation as determined by the Great Creator of All. If you do nothing else, respect what he has given you and the place he has assigned you for the purposes of testing your powers to suit your purpose, whether you are of the light or of the darkness. He balances all in the end and ends what refuses to yield. That is His ultimate nature and objective. He is and will always be greater than the total sum of the parts and planets and populations that even now continue to expand and come into being, or those deemed worthy of being blown back into the nothingness from which He fashioned them.
Vampire Ashram is a Life to Life Everlasting spiritual enterprise that guides the aspiring acolyte in the vampiric ways of seeking immortal life by serving Lucifera, Drakarus and Lilith in the name of the Supreme Father [aka God without the biblical censorship and re-editing by human hands]. It is only appropriate for those few who feel compelled by their own freewill and understanding that Vampire Ashram is opposed to Satan and devoted to an Empire of Vampiric lifeforms who rule over thousands of planets and colonies in multiple galaxies, not just this one. The afterlife for those who have inherited a hybrid nature or who seek to transform, are given serpentine spiritual bodies able to serve the CiaKhar Empire and that of Lucifera, Drakarus, and Lilith. Lilith now bears the mark of the Father as off-limits to reproach as she has withdrawn her support of Lucifer and Satan. She is now a war queen of the CiaKhar Empire serving under Lucifera and one other supreme vampiric war queen. We represent the dark side of spirituality in service to the Father for the sake of His supreme Will, Welfare, and balance throughout the multiverse. We do not recognize any savior and feel that the Father is an all-sufficient savior in and of Himself, and is not divided for any chosen race, sex, or species. He is available directly to all without the trappings of organized man-made religion and the dogma that promotes an elitist “chosen” to be allowed to sin beyond all boundaries without moral compass or any sense of true compassion that Jesus himself taught so earnestly. We affirm that Lucifer himself lost his immortality by murdering the daughter of Lilith and was assassinated with the approval of the Father. He no longer exists in any form and has returned to the primitive nothingness from which he was created and given some of the greatest boons the Father had to give. The Father can create from nothing and he most certainly can and has affirmed his right to return beings, even such as Lucifer and Satan into the nothingness from which they arose. Lucifer is no more, and so can anyone be who is reading this. You have no unconditional right to immortality and the demise and return to nothingness of Lucifer is proof of that fact. The Galactic Federation and others are well aware of this fact also since they are in close alignment against common enemies.
So there is absolutely no misunderstanding, the Aya-Khar Queen, Lucifera, rules over a vast CiaKhar empire that is both reptilian and vampiric, with no affinity for saving the human race or other alien races not in allegiance to the CiaKhar as ruled by herself, her consort Drakarus and a war court and supreme council of planetary colonies and outposts. The CiaKhar is allied to the Galactic Federation since both support the Father in their own way and both have common enemies in the Grays and other rebellious races. This alliance has been in effect for many centuries and will remain so indefinitely at the behest of the Father. Any author who claims otherwise is simply ignorant of the facts or lying. Both are warike and do not practice democracy and are ruled by a strict hierarchy that is either meritorious or by divine right since the leaders, the Empress and Emperor of the CiaKhar (along with one other Supreme War Queen) are physiologically and biologically extremely powerful and are true immortals gifted as such by the Father. For more information on the galactic history of the CiaKhar, read the book, “The Last Harvest” by Lucien Mars and/or watch the presentation made at a convention by Damien Dumar. The book is available in ebook, hard copy or audio and is being translated into various foreign languages.
~Ave Aya-Khar, Ave CiaKhar, Ave Lucifera~
“Freedom without power is impotence, and power without freedom is mockery.”
~Lucien Mars