An Interview with a Vampire:
Reflections on the Dark Road Seldom Taken. A candid interview featuring the insights of Lucien Mars
In Nomine Sanguis. In Nomine Lux. In Nomine Lucifera.
A Retrospective Decade of Service to Lucifera & What’s to Come: The Last Interview with Lucien Mars
Megan: After more than a decade, is this your final exit bow from Vampire Ashram?
Lucien: Yes, it is. Lucifera and many other ET civilizations view the world as approaching the abyss, brought on largely by the disgusting and thinly disguised communist and religious right manifesto (containing the worst of two terrible philosophies of repression): Project 2025, sponsored by an American Talaban of religious republican fanatics who wish to take over America and destroy the U.S consitituion so their greedy money-grubbing “church” can run the state (into the ground). These religous bigots preach against communism while embracing the very same aims as communists: they advocate getting rid of not only the FBI, the most robust anti-communist agency, but even the Boy Scouts of America. They hail the bloodthirsty Putin and both communist and fascist dictators worldwide who enslave, assassinate and jail all political dissidents. They aim to destroy the Constitution and make the presidency a marxist-like theocratic dictatorship, providing the worst of all political regimes: marxism, communism blended into a new style fascist theocratic dictatorship. They want to destroy the First Amendment, restricting what you can read, while allowing the pornography of the bible to be held up as some type of moral pillar. Read Genesis and the story of how Lot’s two daughters got him drunk, had sex with them on consecutive nights, all the while Lot claims not to have even remembered the event. This paints Lot as a grand liar among pedophiles and a drunkard. Oh, but we must have the precious “inspired” word of God, mustn’t we? It’s manmade claptrap used to justify genocide, pedophilia and worse. Another example is King Daniel who slept with young preadolescent virgins with whom he of course did not sexually violate. Of course, so why sleep with them? The question answers itself. There is no morally redeeming story, just rank pornography, yet lesser books have been banned, just as they were in Nazi Germany. Project 2025 plans for further encroachments since a dictatorship is planned, meaning the likely banning of medical and recreational marrijuana. They have sworn to have pornography made illegal with stiff jail sentences for distrubutors, meaning the owning of Playboy or the like could brand you a criminal. They will no doubt censor movies, fashion, music and anything else they can get their homophobic, xenophobic, sexually repressed hands on. Is prohibition next? It’s highly likely since they won’t stop at a national abortion ban, oh no, these miserable religious bigots want to control you from craddle to grave and make every second between the two the most miserable they can. They will destroy America. God hates them and will allow them to be devoured in the end, but you will have to endure their insanity meanwhile. The only foreseable hope is to vote and support Kamala Harris if you value your freedom and wish to avoid World War 3, at least for the foreseeable future. Trump will escalate the war and the genocide in Gaza to profit warmongers and the New World Order. In such a scenario, all metaphysical sites are also in jeopardy. Witches may not be burned, but certainly banned fom all public and private sites.
Megan: What other changes are foreseen with Project 2025?
Lucien: The complete destruction of personal liberties and freedoms, including OSHA safety standards, the selling out of all environmental protections that prevent toxic dumping of wastes, a complete carte blanche to the medical malpractice profession to jack up prices on the already outrageous raping of the American public and senior citizens. In a country already plagued by medical malpractice and greed, under P2025 it will reach unprecidented levels with only the upper middle class able to afford dubious medical treatments. Independent meta anaylsis of just one example, that of placing stents in heart patients shows that fully 22% of such procedures is fraudulent. Fraudulent. And the makers of stents have been found to give kickbacks to the greedy pig-doctors so they’ll butcher more Americans, all incentivized by greed. America is the only country among its peers that does not have universal healthcare. And they plan on taxing health care insurance as well, to add insult to injury. They rail against socialism but embrace totalitarian communist and marxist takeover by violence and by supressing the rights to vote for women, minorities, and anyone other than their religio-nazi sympathizers, like those bribe loving supremely corrupt judges. Clarence Thomas alone has undeclared income from gifts that now amount to over 4 million dollars in undeclared income. Anyone else would be facing 25 years in prison, so why does he get a pass? Well because he’s a United States Soviet Republican, that’s why. A fellow traveller on the road marked “Greedy Republican Pig Highway”. P2025 plans on auctioning off via privatizing veteran’s care, which means slicing benefits and eroding hard won benefits by previous democratic presidents. They want to destroy social security and repeal the affordable care act. P2025 is the perfect storm of communist-marxist revolution via violence, right wing extremism and theocratic fascism, the same type that makes Bibi Netanyahu justify genocide in Gaza by quoting the bible, one of the most horrid books in print that seeks to justify violence against one’s neighbors.
Megan: What will happen, and what advice do you have for current clients and transformed vamps from years ago?
Lucien: Damien Dumar will continue for a short while, although all those who call the CiaKhar home must return home from this sinking stinking ship because WW3 is right around the corner. These Christian crazies think Israel is somehow tied in with God’s plan of redemption, but God has no such plan for genocidal maniacs and money-grubbing repressive animals who are set to destroy the very country, America, he gave as a sacred gift to all mankind, not just white Klu Klux Klan members and closet nazis who hate women, blacks, gays, freedom and peace. A vote for Trump is a vote for your personal damnation. If you don’t know any better than to vote for a 34 count indicted and convicted felon who is a sociopathicalogical liar and likely suffering from PTSD from the latest assassination attempt, then that will serve as your judgement before the seat of God. Because you have to be an immoral criminal and psychopathic idiot to vote in favor of your own slavery and destruction, not to mention furtering the economic destruction of America. And the orange clown is 78 years old, a Big Mac attack away from making JD Vance, one of the most ignorant inexperienced politicos to ever open his lying mouth should these crazies take over the White House and America. Shame on anyone willing to elect a convicted felon. If there is such a thing as “sin” that is the most grevious because it makes a mockery of justice, freedom, and political responsibilites. And Christian values? What a fucking joke. There are none that rise any higher than the sewer of greed and political power over others. My advice to one and all is the same: Vote for the Harris Walz ticket, volunteer to campaign as if your freedom depends upon it, because it truly does. And when the United States Soviet Repubicans refuse to count the ballots in an attempt to steal the election, know that God is counting their evils and will send such hypocrites to the hell they so rightly deserve.
[see Notes From the Nightside for more information.]
~About Lucien Mars~
Lucien Mars is the Vampire Primus and High Priest of Lucifera, aka Tiamat, Diana-Lucifera, Nyx, Nocticula, among her many other goddess names and incarnations. His working powers are rooted in ancient vampiric priestly traditions, inherited by the sacred blood lineage belonging to Lucifera. He converted his prior alliance from Lilith to Lucifera, whose power is supreme and supported by the Almighty. Lucifera is the rightful Ruler of the Underworld. Yet her divine nature is contrary to the fascist Judeo-Christian theological mythology. We likewise reject the static mythology of western occultism, which fails to discern the divine movement of powers and the true nature of the Almighty, the Devil, and the Hierarchy of Hell, over which Lucifera rules as the Black Shekinah Elohim.
My mission and privilege is to serve as Lucifera’s High Priest and, under her authority, transform and empower those who feel called, chosen, and compelled to undergo the spiritual evolution into vampire-hood, and to become her disciples, recognizing her as the primal Divine Vampire Goddess who rules over the realm of Hell, yet who has access to the All-Father in Heaven, working under His direction.Those who are transformed under her authority as vampires in allegiance to Lucifera are enrolled in Her Sacred and immortal Book of Shadows.Blood is life, and through Lucifera, it is life immortal.
For more background information, please refer to our section, Notes from the Nightside.
“Freedom without power is impotence, and power without freedom is mockery.”
~Lucien Mars