SOLD/RESERVED FOR CK ONLY ===========Black Chordeva Vampire Cat Shifting Succubus: Protects & Empowers Magick + Black Hourglass Binding


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This vampire witch has some amazing powers: she hails from Bengal, India where she passed several centuries draining the lifeforce of the locals while shifting into a siphoning vechicle, named one or two cats. These are NOT familiars of wiccan wonderland, oh no, these cats had but briefly lick the lips of its sleeping target to be overcome while the cat sucked the lifeforce from the dying infant or young person whose energy became addicting, which added to the Chordeva’s infernal machinations in the night. As such, she shifts into a were-cat which can morph from the size of a huge housecat into a small tiger. The word “Chordeva” means “thief-demon” but really, politicians and lawyers have been called worse. This is a very destructive entity now that she went eternal in 1873 where hawthorn stakes hold no power. She does and will destroy around the globe and makes no bones about doing so to enemies near or far, yours or hers and preferably both.

Meet Zedavi (zed-dav-e) an ancient elder Chordeva (corek-dev-ah) shapeshifting were-cat who prowls the earth for victims, needing at least one every month and normally close to the new moon cycle. Normally she either poisons the sleeping target by entering the house in spirit form until she is able to materialize. She drains lifeforce first and may even wake the person with a cat-wailing cry that sounds unnerving. The victim, seeing the cat inside calls it to the door, whereupon Hukaria promptly rips at the person with claws and fangs, then flees. As the victim grows weak and begins to die over a six month period, she has made a blood connection and continues to drain the rest of the life essence from the person. For a companion she repays the privilege by transferring a lot of psychic and physical power. A lot. Kundalini energy is revived and longevity is one of the reported side effects of working with a Chordeva. Witchcraft? Who knows more than a Chordeva? Protection: Were-cat poisoner and death stalker.

Her Preferred Companion: Male or Female 

More Details Below

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Beautiful Bengal Chordeva Cat Shifting Vampire Succubus~

Zedavi is a dark skinned and typically appears as a shadow that solidifies and takes form. Her energy is massive, heavy, dark and for the dark-hearted, quite lovely since the essence of death and the crypt seems to follow her around. She has servitors from lost souls that either obey her or they burn and are harried by warders who also obey her. She is considered a demigoddess of all things witchcraft. Herbs, spells, potions, crystals and other objects will be imbued with her essence as well. A single drop of blood on a crystal during the new moon with put a spell on her and is considered the highest token of dark affection. While not sexual she can work to bring the opposite or same sex to you for romance or a hot weekend. Charismatic to the hilt, this vampire witch can do her own sexual spellwork based on the relationship. Allowing her to be in this realm is repaid and rewarded, make no mistake. She is able to use her powers to alter fate and fortune in your behalf for business and personal success and power. Imparts her vampiric energy onto her companion to rejuvenate sexual energy and libido.

She appears as a lusty and voluptuous vixen with raven hair, bright blue eyes, decked in black leather and ready to rock your world! She also can turn the tables of fortune and fate in your favor for financial and business success. She also imparts a very strong sang-banging vampiric energy and power to enhance your own. She has sexual powers of pleasures that could fill an entire harem.

Zedavi has a very demonic and wicked presence and a dark and maleovent energy about her that she can disguise to the exact opposite, causing the sheeple to feel you are trustworthy, benevolent and a sucker. Then soon after she learns of their attitude she makes some casual adjustments, a pet might die, or sickness hits the household, or an old enemy is thrown through the windshield in a car accident. And she loves heart attacks for enemies. She calls them her “special valentine’s” gifts. And why should you care, what enemy you hate is going to be missed? Think of her as the shark tank for enemies wherever they might be. Meanwhile, she’ll bewitch spells to assist you in mental powers, lucid dreaming, and fulfilling witchcraft requests that are specific and approved by her nefarious standards (which are actually pretty low). Incredible energy provider, provided you are used to the powers of darkness.

As her companion, you can expect heightened psychic powers and a recharged sexual vitality and greater overall lifeforce energy. Anything and everything related to magick she will work on your behalf. Revenge and curses are her favorite weapons of choice. She does alter your very energy at the core since she has a corrosive energy that leaves you a bit weak for a day or less, then rebounds and keeps building, adding dark energy to darkness, building a foundation for vampirism now and forever.

If you feel drawn to Zedavi it’s because she has the liberty to select her preferred companion. If you feel bewitched by her demonic attractions, all that remains is to decide if you’re daring enough to develop an intimate relationship with this incredible female power. If so, why not adopt her today before she slips away?

Her Bewitching Powers & Sexual Abilities

Erotomancy/Sexually Related Energy: Sexually wild and animalistic. Unfettered sexual lusts of every kind, from straight to kinky and wild. Very much a dominatrix and a take charge type. No holes barred. A vixen with a super-powerful sexual energy that conveys sexual magnetism and will raise your own libido to the stars and back. A dominatrix at times with an appetite for kinks of all kinds and sure to please!

Psychomancy/Psychic Related Energy:  Intensely dark, malevolent yet able to do a reverse when needed so that the prey will feel at ease and unthreatened. Beware the cat that crosses the path into the house in the witching hour. Sickness, nightmares, psychic harrowing and the worse type of slow vampirism are in store for your worse enemies. They have it coming and she is the special delivery service that works 24/7 destroying and “deceasing” people as she terms it. Extraordinary black energy. A necromancer of noteworthy skills as well.

Hemomancy/Blood Related Energy: Lifeforce drainer, not a true sang but the results are the same.

Special Attributes: Forte powers of a cat-shifting psychic vampire assassin who hunts the globe. She’ll prize the relationship and shower rewards to anyone brave enough to bond with her. Wild, edgy and more witchcraft than a hundred covens because of who and what she is.

Includes Exclusive Black Hourglass Binding

Includes our exclusive Black Hourglass Binding, which uses a special energy evocation so that the powers of this entity do not overwhelm your own. As your energy adaptation to hers increases over time, the power she channels into you likewise increases. In addition, the more you devote yourself to our Vampire Goddess and Empress of Empire, Lucifera, the more Lucifera herself will empower you by authorizing more of your companion’s power to be channeled for your benefit. If you ignore your companion or purchase bindings adversarial to the interests of Lucifera, the opposite will happen, and your empowerment will be reduced in turn. (*See the Binding Disclosure below for full details)

Safety Disclosure

All bindings I perform carry inherent risks and rewards. With more power and reward comes more risk of paranormal manifestations and their intensity. This may be further exacerbated by your own history, including such factors as mental illness, drug use, or other personal factors I cannot take into account when the binding is performed.

The Binding Seal

Each direct binding is performed with an interlocking binding seal that I attach in a matrix fashion to maximize the intensity  your chosen entity. This normally includes a frequency modulator, or mantra, that I infuse into the binding to integrate a more powerful spirit-to-spirit blending of energies.

Our Refund Policy

In order to avoid the duplicate labor of binding and revoking an entity, we do not offer refunds. We offer a free scan which is especially important if you have acquired multiple vessel bindings from another source and have yet to receive a strong manifestation and presence. The more vessel bindings one has, without an ongoing manifestation, the more likely it is that a block exists. *Please refer to our Terms, Conditions & Policy tab for full details.

Please remember to include your date of birth. Normally, the evocation and binding are done within a week’s time, and a binding seal (short statement of welcome) is emailed once performed. Multiple orders are welcome, however, only one entity will be bound at a time. This allows your energy time to adapt to the frequency of each individual entity and anchors the binding more securely.

Note: The photo used to depict this listing is a stock photo. Hence, the appearance will vary should your spirit companion choose to manifest either in a dream or any other visual form. None will manifest as a physically embodied form for more than a few moments at best, unless you are gifted at birth with the special ability to see spirits and entities.

*Important Binding Disclaimer

Please Read Prior to Purchase: This binding does NOT enslave the assigned entity for your sole personal use or discretion. All entities bound by Vampire Ashram bear strict allegiance to Lucifera as the Empress of Empire in their realm and serve her purposes when she pleases. Should you abuse or ignore any of the entities – or purchase vessel bindings or any direct bindings that are adversarial to the interests of Lucifera, she at her sole discretion retains the right to revoke this listed entity without notice based upon any acts deemed contrary to her interests and those of the assigned companion. Infractions such as posting “house rules” and the like will be ignored and considered as usurping the authority of Lucifera and grant liberty for the entity to seek a bill of revocation from Lucifera. The fantasy that they all get along and can be forced to if they “act up” are two of the most ignorant and dangerous lies a metaphysical seller can make. You thus assume the full liability of having Lucifera revoke any companion put in harm’s way or otherwise being subjected to abuse on your part.

Convenient Payment Plan Available~

This listing can also be placed on layaway with a third down payment and 30 days grace period for the remainder. To place on layaway, send us a request and you will be invoiced for the third down as credited toward the price less any qualifying discount earned through the True Blood Club or HM Members Only program.

Buy Now: $350