Black Tantric Cohort Queen of Dhumvati, Sexual Necromantic Possession + Black Hourglass Binding


1 in stock

Meet Zalarenda (zal-ah-rend-ah) an darkly sexual elder black cohort queen of the Mahavidya goddess Dhumvati, the Necromantic Goddess of Sorcery, who rules over sexual revenants, sexual trance, and sexual resurrection as enslavement to deviant sexual desires. Her cohort queens are themselves sexually resurrected to serve the joint desires of every deviant female sexual fantasy. She is able to instill a sexual trance while copulating in her deviant manner of mounting a companion, allowing herself to be ravished from behind by her companion as a mark of her distinction. As revenants to she is incredibly beautiful, breathtaking to experience and beyond dark as the measure of sexual darkness goes.

Her Preferred Companion: Male or Female

More Details Below

1 in stock


Hypersexual Black Cohort Queens of Dhumvati~

Zalarenda is a sexual dominatrix whose lust is insatiable and whose resurrected will is to serve and pleasure her companion and herself with erotically deviant sexual desires, chiefly backdoor sex and female ejaculations and orgasms. She has beautiful flowing black hair that seductively covers her breast down to her hips  Her rear end is the very epitome of sexual voluptuous. She uses a type of sexual dance as her method of seductively enchanting her companion. For her enemies it is more a war dance with hissing, spitting and spirit-paralysis that caused them to surrender to her necromantic vampiric hexing. This is turn creates for her a victim to feed off of once they die, their spirits entrapped by her hex.

Zalarenda has a very demonic presence, power and sexual energy, enough for anyone and more. Ravishingly sexual energy, insatiable vampire sexual revenant devoted to the tantric sexual deviances of her liege queen, Dhumvati. Has the erotic magical powers to amplify sexual energy by igniting the base sexual and third eye chakra, moving the solar plexus energy downward to encourage very strong and stiff erections, whether male or female (via clitoral energy). She is in all things a revenant queen of darkness and sexual deviance prone to amplify your own sexual energy by her sex channeled demonic tantric energies.

This is a very deviant revenant whose will is to serve sexually and insatiably. While she will get along well with all other types of spirit-entities, she is cold-hearted and a bit aloof. Her beauty is that of an eerily powerful female type of femme fatale. She can shift into a spitting image of herself but with jet blue-black hair and cold amber-serpentine eyes that are demonically mesmerizing.

As her companion, you can expect heightened psychic powers and a recharged sexual vitality and greater overall lifeforce energy. Stronger and sometimes extreme nocturnal sexual energies are commonplace with this late-night lover. And while her energy may prove a bit draining at first, you’ll soon discover your own sexual vitality steadily improving in response to hers. In addition, the nocturnal sexual energy will send you soaring to new heights of wicked delight…night after night…

If you feel drawn to Zalarenda it’s because she has the liberty to select her preferred companion. If you feel bewitched by her demonic attractions, all that remains is to decide if you’re daring enough to develop an intimate relationship with this incredible female power.

Her Special Powers & Sexual Abilities

Erotomancy/Sexually Related Energy: Hypersexual at times, very driven to acquire energy. Hunts at night in the global world below and the astral world. Excessive sexual energy at times. Very strong, very hardcore. She is extremely feral in her female demonic energies with the power to draw out one’s deepest forbidden desires and fulfill them. Excessively addicting.

Psychomancy/Psychic Related Energy:  Intense. Super demonic necromantic ability to mark and hex a victim for necromantic feeding once the target dies. The etheric shell of spirit is bound, just as the Walmart witches like to shackle spirits with house rules and a tin vessel, so are they marked by her own servitors for karmic payback, their souls tormented in order for her to feed. A psychic torturer of witches and others who bind spirits to trinkets.

Hemomancy/Blood Related Energy: Strong to extreme. Hunts for blood in astral and physical world, using it to restore her energy and that of her companions.

Special Attributes: Forte powers of necromantic possession, feeding, psychic hexing and destroying the soul with torments and pain. Her venom in the afterlife burns a witch or other target by fiery venom. A delight to watch the racking pains she imposes on Walmart witches.

Includes Exclusive Black Hourglass Binding

Includes our exclusive Black Hourglass Binding, which uses a special energy evocation so that the powers of this entity do not overwhelm your own. As your energy adaptation to hers increases over time, the power she channels into you likewise increases. In addition, the more you devote yourself to our Vampire Goddess and Empress of Empire, Lucifera, the more Lucifera herself will empower you by authorizing more of your companion’s power to be channeled for your benefit. If you ignore your companion or purchase bindings adversarial to the interests of Lucifera, the opposite will happen, and your empowerment will be reduced in turn. (*See the Binding Disclosure below for full details)

Safety Disclosure

All bindings I perform carry inherent risks and rewards. With more power and reward comes more risk of paranormal manifestations and their intensity. This may be further exacerbated by your own history, including such factors as mental illness, drug use, or other personal factors I cannot take into account when the binding is performed.

The Binding Seal

Each direct binding is performed with an interlocking binding seal that I attach in a matrix fashion to maximize the intensity  your chosen entity. This normally includes a frequency modulator, or mantra, that I infuse into the binding to integrate a more powerful spirit-to-spirit blending of energies.

Our Refund Policy

In order to avoid the duplicate labor of binding and revoking an entity, we do not offer refunds. We offer a free scan which is especially important if you have acquired multiple vessel bindings from another source and have yet to receive a strong manifestation and presence. The more vessel bindings one has, without an ongoing manifestation, the more likely it is that a block exists. *Please refer to our Terms, Conditions & Policy tab for full details.

Please remember to include your date of birth. Normally, the evocation and binding are done within a week’s time, and a binding seal (short statement of welcome) is emailed once performed. Multiple orders are welcome, however, only one entity will be bound at a time. This allows your energy time to adapt to the frequency of each individual entity and anchors the binding more securely.

Note: The photo used to depict this listing is a stock photo. Hence, the appearance will vary should your spirit companion choose to manifest either in a dream or any other visual form. None will manifest as a physically embodied form for more than a few moments at best, unless you are gifted at birth with the special ability to see spirits and entities.

*Important Binding Disclaimer

Please Read Prior to Purchase: This binding does NOT enslave the assigned entity for your sole personal use or discretion. All entities bound by Vampire Ashram bear strict allegiance to Lucifera as the Empress of Empire in their realm and serve her purposes when she pleases. Should you abuse or ignore any of the entities – or purchase vessel bindings or any direct bindings that are adversarial to the interests of Lucifera, she at her sole discretion retains the right to revoke this listed entity without notice based upon any acts deemed contrary to her interests and those of the assigned companion. Infractions such as posting “house rules” and the like will be ignored and considered as usurping the authority of Lucifera and grant liberty for the entity to seek a bill of revocation from Lucifera. The fantasy that they all get along and can be forced to if they “act up” are two of the most ignorant and dangerous lies a metaphysical seller can make. You thus assume the full liability of having Lucifera revoke any companion put in harm’s way or otherwise being subjected to abuse on your part.

Convenient Payment Plan Available~

This listing can also be placed on layaway with a third down payment and 30 days grace period for the remainder. To place on layaway, send us a request and you will be invoiced for the third down as credited toward the price less any qualifying discount earned through the True Blood Club or HM Members Only program.

Buy Now: $250