Legion Queen of the Dark Goddess Lamastu: Mistress of Enemy Mishaps & Black Magick + Black Hourglass Binding


1 in stock

Warnings & Purchase Restrictions: This is not a typical demoness but a massive consumer of armies, innocents and all others who stand in her way or who exist within any warzone wherever throughout the world. They manipulate politicians and relgious zealots and force them into warfare to feed their own serpentine and vampiric poulations in Agartha and beyond. Lamastu is considered a jet-black goddess of death, destruction, blood-storming (a vampiric term meaning “the blood exploding war magick”) and vengeance against religious zealotry of any kind: satanic, you name it, she hates it. And thus, her Legion Queens follow her orders and each is assigned a legion of human hunting vampires. You must have at least one prior binding with Vampire Ashram to qualify for purchase. All others are strictly forbidden.

Meet Belzara (bell-zar-ah) an elder Demoness Demigod and Legion Queen under Lamastu, the Babylonian goddess and daughter of Anu (of the Anunnaki). Her attributes are hatred, war and genocide particularly of infants. She was, as Lilith was, an infant killer who fought against Eki (Lucifer) and his human prototype humanoid offspring of African descent. She is one fierce vampiric serpentine goddess who commands legions of demons who are eager to lead Earth into the Apocalypse and feast upon the bloodshed. The current war in the mideast has her foaming at the fangs for her legion queens to be released. And so be it, why not? After all, Lamastu hates humans; in fact, the only thing she hates more is her goddamned father, Anu, as she calls him. This has caused her to cease the infant genocide unless they happen to be in the war zones. And oh, what war is on the way, she says. If sorcerers aren’t talking about this it’s because they are simply running on blind faith that demons will remain as artifacts forever stunted in their ambitions and the sides they take. Spoiler alert: Lamastu turned against Anu, Lilith likewise and is now a war queen of the CiaKhar Empire. Lucifer is gone for good and the CiaKhar Empire is the better for it. But back to Belzara…

Her Preferred Companion: Male or Female

More Details Below

1 in stock


The Legion Queens of Lamastu~

Belzara is a serpentine dragon demigoddess whose tattoos are serpentine and she has a serpents silver-black scales on her arms and legs. She wears gold jewelry, a tiara with a serpent coiled around a black sapphire, her ruling stone. She has large fangs, moves in what she calls a “flashpoint” drawn immediately to the smell of gunsmoke and firearms. She doesn’t take sides, either will do and she is definitely not a member in good standing of the United Nations. She wants blood to fill the oceans and has petitioned the Father for the release of her legions, who has granted the motion. She rules a sub queendom of Agartha and it is a wicked demoness driven force of vampiric legions who thrive only on warfare and massive bloodshed. They silently influence all religions to defile themselves by going to war. Has Lamastu been successful. She smiles and brushes back a lock of black silken hair, “judge for yourself. The Christians defile themselves in warfare which they call “holy,” the Muslims as “holy” and everybody is feeding us from their unholy bloodshed. “What’s not to like?” Make no mistake, Belzara has all the wickedness and vampiric venom and lust for blood as Lamastu.

Belzara has a very demonic energy that is both primordial and sexual, of demigoddess energy strength and she may fatigue you when bound at first. The Black Hourglass binding serves as a shield against too strong a manifestation. She is a warlording queen and killer par excellence. She’ll egage in sex but warfare and bloodletting are her real attractions. None of the Hollywood bullshit vampires who bite and speak in Translvanishness. These are ancient serpent goddesses and beings who’ll tear into anything that stands in their way, vampire, demon, ghoul, djinn. They literally go berserk to kill and once they taste blood, the warpath begins. Vampires are serpents, fangs..duh…but they can envenom and move armies to collapse, be riddled to death and while all this is going on, if you could see them they would appear as the Keres, dancing among the bleeding screaming wounded and the dying. And they take Christians, Muslims, whoever they want. Once you agree to war, you belong to the warlords and goddesses of war, over which Jesus holds no sway. They only take orders from the Father. Humans have been warned against war. Why? Well, for one they’re terrible at it, and they only have one planet, primitive warfare technology and generals who are beaurocrats. Against Lamastu, hahaha..you must be joking.

So why adopt such a being? Because of the dark sympathetic magick of a direct binding and the blood enhancing, life enhancing powers that gives you without her having to do anything. And one more reason why vessel bindings are bullshit, because not only are they the lowest form of street magick, but they dull the sympathetic energy even if they are so-called “bridge-bound.” Plus, no respectible power will agree to such a binding. You want wild, you have to go direct to the source.

As her companion, you can expect heightened psychic powers and a recharged sexual vitality and greater overall lifeforce energy. Stronger and sometimes extreme nocturnal sexual energies are commonplace with this late-night lover. And while her energy may prove a bit draining at first, you’ll soon discover your own sexual vitality steadily improving in response to hers. In addition, her nocturnal sexual energy will send you soaring to new heights of wicked delight…night after night…She channels a very strong, darkly magnetic force upon one’s kundalini sexual and solar plexus chakras in particular.

If you feel drawn to Belzara it’s because she has the liberty to select her preferred companion. If you feel bewitched by her demonic attractions, all that remains is to decide if you’re daring enough to develop an intimate relationship with this incredible female power. If so, why not adopt her today before she slips away?

Her Bewitching Powers & Spellbinding Abilities

Erotomancy/Sexually Related Energy: Varies all across the board. When she’s feeding she may glut herself on the blood of hundreds, if not thousands, along with the legion assigned to her. Count upon a wild demoness and not a succubus, meaning she’s sexually exhausting and may fatigue at times due to her excessively dark energy.

Psychomancy/Psychic Related Energy:  Darkly hypnotic and uses her psychic powers to create wars throughout the world. Lamastu rebelled against Anu and turned from infant killing to a larger scale of killing: warfare. If she could lure religionists into warfare, that was what was determined. She is able to twist the minds of all religions into self-destruction via world wars. She is currently brewing one up as this listing is going up.

Hemomancy/Blood Related Energy: Extremely demonic in the most powerful sense. Lamastu isn’t like your normal demoness goddess, she’s a wildcat serpentine demoness who takes over the minds of politicians and prepares them for hell and judgement. Christians claim Jesus will stop her or excuse their evils at judgment but to date, Lamastu hasn’t lost a single case before the Father. They aren’t so chatty in front of the Father since they’re rendered mute. He hates their hypocrisy just as much.

Special Attributes: Lamastu is a very dark blood lusting goddess who is the daughter of King Anu or the Anunnaki, whom she hates. She turned against him and recruited her own legions of demons, serpentine vampires who can paralyze minds, throw soldiers in harm’s way, feed upon the wounded, all while laughing and dancing in the blood that they like to shake and sprinkle as “blessings” which is the original meaning (another dumb mindless saying of Christians) as they undulate in their serpentine dance of war. “Red, red, blow up their guts, blast off their head. Red, red, make them all dead, dead!” is one of their top ten hits they sing while dancing in war.

Includes Exclusive Black Hourglass Binding

Includes our exclusive Black Hourglass Binding, which uses a special energy evocation so that the powers of this entity do not overwhelm your own. As your energy adaptation to hers increases over time, the power she channels into you likewise increases. In addition, the more you devote yourself to our Vampire Goddess and Empress of Empire, Lucifera, the more Lucifera herself will empower you by authorizing more of your companion’s power to be channeled for your benefit. If you ignore your companion or purchase bindings adversarial to the interests of Lucifera, the opposite will happen, and your empowerment will be reduced in turn. (*See the Binding Disclosure below for full details)

Safety Disclosure

All bindings I perform carry inherent risks and rewards. With more power and reward comes more risk of paranormal manifestations and their intensity. This may be further exacerbated by your own history, including such factors as mental illness, drug use, or other personal factors I cannot take into account when the binding is performed.

The Binding Seal

Each direct binding is performed with an interlocking binding seal that I attach in a matrix fashion to maximize the intensity  your chosen entity. This normally includes a frequency modulator, or mantra, that I infuse into the binding to integrate a more powerful spirit-to-spirit blending of energies.

Our Refund Policy

In order to avoid the duplicate labor of binding and revoking an entity, we do not offer refunds. We offer a free scan which is especially important if you have acquired multiple vessel bindings from another source and have yet to receive a strong manifestation and presence. The more vessel bindings one has, without an ongoing manifestation, the more likely it is that a block exists. *Please refer to our Terms, Conditions & Policy tab for full details.

Please remember to include your date of birth. Normally, the evocation and binding are done within a week’s time, and a binding seal (short statement of welcome) is emailed once performed. Multiple orders are welcome, however, only one entity will be bound at a time. This allows your energy time to adapt to the frequency of each individual entity and anchors the binding more securely.

Note: The photo used to depict this listing is a stock photo. Hence, the appearance will vary should your spirit companion choose to manifest either in a dream or any other visual form. None will manifest as a physically embodied form for more than a few moments at best, unless you are gifted at birth with the special ability to see spirits and entities.

*Important Binding Disclaimer

Please Read Prior to Purchase: This binding does NOT enslave the assigned entity for your sole personal use or discretion. All entities bound by Vampire Ashram bear strict allegiance to Lucifera as the Empress of Empire in their realm and serve her purposes when she pleases. Should you abuse or ignore any of the entities – or purchase vessel bindings or any direct bindings that are adversarial to the interests of Lucifera, she at her sole discretion retains the right to revoke this listed entity without notice based upon any acts deemed contrary to her interests and those of the assigned companion. Infractions such as posting “house rules” and the like will be ignored and considered as usurping the authority of Lucifera and grant liberty for the entity to seek a bill of revocation from Lucifera. The fantasy that they all get along and can be forced to if they “act up” are two of the most ignorant and dangerous lies a metaphysical seller can make. You thus assume the full liability of having Lucifera revoke any companion put in harm’s way or otherwise being subjected to abuse on your part.

Convenient Payment Plan Available~

This listing can also be placed on layaway with a third down payment and 30 days grace period for the remainder. To place on layaway, send us a request and you will be invoiced for the third down as credited toward the price less any qualifying discount earned through the True Blood Club or HM Members Only program.

Buy Now: $1250