Do Christians Worship a “King of Kings” Reptilian Demonic Serpent named Amen? According to the Bible, yes, that is exactly who they are worshipping. Read on…
What? You mean I’ve been dedicating all my prayers to a Demonic Serpent God?
Mrs. Grumpus runs the Underground Sunday School for aspiring vampires and serpent lovers and she’s got some exciting news: you can end all your dark or light prayers with an “Amen” and you’ll be rewarded by the demonic darkside of the Nagaloka kingdoms (Serpent kingdoms in the Underworld) for dedicating them to one of the very first Naga (Serpent) Kings: Amen. And here you thought in your babe in the woods innocence that the Bible was all stiff-upper lip, fight Satan by being good and donate all your money to build a bigger church, choir, or go out trick-or-treating to scare souls into accepting Jesus or else, whatever. Well then, what are you doing dedicating every prayer to a Demonic Naga Serpent Lord? The one in particular happens to be named Amen. And while its true that the Naga Empires detest Satan, they remain demonic and human-hating to the core. To beget their favor, many of the Egyptian Kings, notably Amenhetep, Amenophis 1 and others adopted his namesake and bowed in holy reverence to Amen-Ra as “King of Naga Kings” and honored this demonic principality, adopting his namesake as a magic talisman to invoke the favor of Amen by ending every prayer with a dedication to him. Oh, no! Oh yes. Now, can I can I get an Amen? Uh-huh…uh-huh…uh-huh…
Here’s the rub however: The male Naga Kings like Amen don’t wield the true power, its the female Naginis and Bhutinis who are the rulers, so when you end a prayer with an Amen they recognize it as an insult generated once again by all the patriarchal macho religions in which women are for two main purposes: sex and subjugation. And they hate you for it, and they’re responding by bringing all the chaos you see around you that they can. And they mean business. Lucifer was executed for murdering a daughter of Lilith recently, and not long after the Nagini Empress who rules over the nine kingdoms of the Kuru race (serpent race) killed another male court council who was attempting to revolt. And you have a few powerful empires of demonic principalities and reptilians no less who are a tad upset with the elite for destroying, pilfering and otherwise abusing the world that their worlds are connected to (Ketu and Rahu), which are phantom planets connected in a holographic interface with this one. In layman’s terms, you’re fucking up their world by making a toilet of your own, capiche?
And who is the most well know Amener in the Bible? Jesus of course. He double-downs on Amen, amen, I say unto you…etc. Yeah, I know, it’s a tad hard to explain. But the internet does it’s damnest to try: according to most searches, it means “so be it” just as witches end their hexes or get-my-lover-back spells. In fact, the synoptic gospels have over 50 amens alone and the gospel of John has 25. The question is: Did Jesus actually invoke a demonic Serpent King to underscore what he was going to say? Personally, I doubt it since these Naga Kings hate humans. But if so, then you’ve got the green light to begin worshipping demonic Naga Kings in the name of Jesus. If not, the Bible is one very corrupted piece of “uninspired” literature when a savior type exalts and underscores his parabolic lessons by invoking a major demonic Serpent King as his source for the following parable or statment, Amen. This is a carryover from the Jews time spent in Egypt when the Naga Kings were visible and often walked among them until they grew disgusted with the Grays and their own religious takover scheme that ended in the expulsion of Marduk of the Anunnaki. Ever since, the Nagas have hated humanity and the Grays in about equal measure. The measure of Amen’s magic in Egypt was held in the sceptre of the Phaorah, so when Moses threw down his own Naga Staff and it swallowed up the Pharoah’s, it was a demonstration that his Naga sponsored demonic kingdom was the more powerful of the two. Reptilians, which all Nagas and Naginis and Bhutinis are, also fight amongst themselves for power, and unlike the nifty “a kingdom divided cannot stand,” of Jesus lore, the Nagaloka Kingdoms have not ony stood but have been bolstered by the Nagini Empress who is very much a parallel of the Aya Khar Empress Lucifera, of the CiaKhar Empire. In fact, the two split apart eons and eons ago before Earth was even formed. In a sense both of these reptilian Empresses are related. And powerful. And angry. And they both bow before the Father God and Almighty Creator. They know nothing of a Jesus as his equal. They both know Amen and know that is not Jesus.
Is Jesus the Serpent King of Nagaloka?
More bad news: In the Book of Revelation 3:14, it states in the RSV and other versions: “And to the angel of the church in Laodice write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witnesss, the beginning of God’s creation.” Deep breath here. Either Jesus is the reincarnation of a demonic Naga King or the thing is a sham insertion by authors unknown. Jesus and Amen are the selfsame Serpent King of Nagaloka according to this so-called inspired text. Now, to be sure, Amen had a huge enough ego, even for a reptilian. He was known also as Aman, Ammon, Amon, Amum, Atum which morphed into Am (as in I Am that I Am, sorry, should have warned you that was coming. I Am that I Am is spoken by Amen, the demonic Naga King, not God). As Amen-ra or Amon-ra he was known as the “King of Gods.” He also went by Jupiter-Ammon at times. As a patron deity of the city of Thebes, his name meant “The Hidden One.” He was a god of the dead which gave rise to his resurrecting the dead as Jesus was said to do between speaking engagements. Prior to being elevated to a supreme god (Amen-Ra) around the Twelfth Dynasty, he was a local god. Amen and his consort Ament (also called Amenet), are described in the Pyramid Texts as members of the Ogdoad, a company of eight gods who were worshipped as mothers and fathers of the world. [*Source: Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities, by C. Russell Coulter & Patricia Turner]. These eight gods were all reptialian Nagas or Naginis and represented the eight existing kingdoms of the Nagaloka. Later one split in half over rival factions and a civil war, making nine total.
Amen the Snake Lord of Large Black Cocks
Amen is also depicted as Amun-Min and has as an aspect of the snake lord Kematef (He Who Has Completed His Time). Ament, his consort, is depicted as the well-known uraeus-headed serpent that adorned the royal headdresses of the Egyptians. As Amen he was also depicted (if you’re under 18, read no further) as having a massive black lingam (cock, penis, hardon), meaning this reptilian got an Amen from the ladies from time to time as well. If the Egyptian women were lucky they served as official snake handlers. In this aspect he is identical to Pan. In Greece he is Zeus. And of course, Amen was partial to males and the machoisma of a strict patriarchy. Yet we’re supposed to believe the Bible is an inspired text in which Jesus and Amen of the big black pleasure serpent are one and the same. Amen, god of the dead, resurrecter and necromancer god of agriculture when he wasn’t sprouting corpses from their gaves sounds suspiciously like a god who bestowed miracles of loaves and fishes and whose hobby was grave-robbing and resurrecting people. Jesus was real; he was a messenger sent from the Father, but he was not Amen. Amen is a black-skinned reptilian serpent king of the Naga Empire of Nagaloka. So who knows, maybe I’m wrong and Jesus was a black skinned reptilian named Amen. If you can believe the Bible, you’ll believe anything a pastor puts on your plate. But God save your soul from actually living as Jesus proposed, loving your neighbor and turning the other cheek to offenses. Jesus had a very thick skin; Christians have one that is paper thin. That is the most glaring difference.
An Egyptian king in the fifth dynasty mentions Akeneh as a serpent demon along with others of the Nagaloka Empire, including Antaf, Heka, Hekret, Setcheh, Thethu, Ab-Ta, and of course Amen. It seems Adam and Eve weren’t the only ones deceived by the wily serpent. Christians today are being duped into dedicating their prayers not to God the Father, but to Amen, the Serpent Naga King of Nagaloka, an underworld demonic empire. As to the guilability of the human mind, all I can say is well….Amen.