About House Keresian2023-10-22T17:58:39+00:00

About House Keresian

Who We Are As Vampires, Our Mission & Our Primal Vampire Goddess

In Nomine Sanguis. In Nomine Lux. In Nomine Lucifera.

The Mission of Vampire Ashram & House Keresian

The mission of Vampire Ashram and House Keresian is to educate, empower and elevate the vampyric spiritual path that is unique to Lucifera, acting under the provisional powers of the Divine Almighty Father. We hold that a vampire transformation without guidance, power, worship, and growth is as useless as a ship without a rudder, compass, or sail. Such aimless thrill-seeking disempowers and disenfranchises the natural growth and testing of any and all species created by the Almighty, in this realm and all others. The strong devour the weak, and to become strong requires a hierarchy devoted to vampiric power which must be honed by discipline, worship, and the desire to nurture the dark art into a vampiric power benefiting Lucifera. One does not avoid spiritual testing as a vampire. To quote the Father, “A sword untested cannot be trusted.” As a Keresian vampire, testing by a sire or by Lucifera or by the Almighty is a method of sharpening those powers you most need to hone. Eternity is a journey without end. And Hell is not for the faint-hearted thrill seeker who adores a black rebellion against “God,” but for a Keresian vampire under Lucifera, it is a reward for those He alone chooses to rule over it.

Christofascist Project 2025 America Beware!

Neo-Nazi Christian Nationalism Plans an Election Takeover in 2024 The Roots of Christianity include Incestual Pornography & Fascist Insanity The American Bill of Rights begins and ends with a warning for government to stay out of religion. The First Amendment (that the Christian Fascist Heritage Foundation wants to destroy as outlined in its distopian [...]

Why We Are Sending Billions of Tax Dollar$ in Bombs to Israel: Is It the House of Congress That the Satanic Freemasons Built?

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2024 Election Sabatoge by Supreme Court Decoded

Has Satan Rigged the 2024 November Election in America? The Kamea of Saturn Decoded points to an overturning of the next and last American Election by the Supreme Court and their MAGA Neo-Nazi Christian Nationalism infiltrated judges. Samuel Alito has given the middle finger (Saturn finger) to America by flying not one, but two [...]

Pentagon 9/11 Illuminati Attack Decoded in Kamea of Saturn

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Doomsday Code: 09-20-25 Saturn’s Return, Nazi NWO Reign

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Trump Calls for A “Unified Reich” in 2025. Satan Says: “Yes”

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2025: The Year of Satan’s Return & Facist World Rule

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Are Christians Satanists? Yes. And here’s Proof from the Bible!

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The Noah Project: The Dark Side of A Sudden Baby Boom As Seen by Remote Viewer

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Last Oracle of Cybele, The Orion ME Stone & The Ezekiel Zone

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What Does NASA, The US Air Force, The European Union & Christian Nationalism All Have in Common? A Grand Plan to Destroy Man in 2025

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