About Vampire Ashram:
Vampire Ashram is devoted to the ancient entities of vampyrism and demonology, offering full vampiric blood-bound transformations under Lucifera, The Original Vampire Goddess.
Satania Store is the latest copycat to steal almost everything not nailed down from Vampire Ashram. We documented their theft and published it on our Notes from the Nightside as a Scam Alert. They stole the Abracadabra Mantra they illegally played on YouTube (Stolen from the book, “Vampire Arveda Yoga” by Lucien Mars). Many of the listings they also stole verbatim, along with cursed binding seals, twisting a few words here and there, then took them down when exposed. All our materials are cursed to find and hex the culprit along with any customers using the stolen materials in a threefold manner: to themselves, their families, and their finances.
Let this be a warning to other metaphysical copycats. We will screen shoot our stolen listings and make it our mission to expose you in order to spare the public more metaphysical vermin. A thief can steal the menu, but cannot cook the meal. Legitimate metaphysical sellers don’t need to steal other sellers listings. It shows they have nothing of worth on their own to offer. They believe everyone is like them, a fraud, so they feel justified to steal. Buyer beware!
The Praxis & Vampyric Principles of Vampire Ashram
Our History: Vampire Ashram LLC went public in 2012. Due to the continued and widespread piracy of our dedicated listings on sites such as Etsy, eBay, Bonanza and the like, we recognized the need to privatize and formalize Vampire Ashram into a secret vampyre society devoted to Lucifera, the original Black Shekinah Vampire Goddess, also know under the title of Lua Saturni. Public sites also allowed metaphysical pirates to scour our legitimate testimonials and add the clients to their sucker list, oftentimes fabricating testimonials and falsely self-vouching for one another. For that same reason, Vampire Ashram is and shall remain a restricted Secret Vampyre society composed of transformed vampires, elders, and a priesthood devoted to Lucifera as the Black Shekinah Vampire Goddess, with Lilith serving as the avenging vampyre goddess of our society and ruler of the most baneful realms of Hell into which the damned and Lucifera’s enemies are consigned.
We do not publish our innermost rites nor do we practice the vampyric rites as espoused by other vampire groups. Consecrated blood and sacred rites are contingent upon the length of probationary service and depth of religious devotion to Lucifera under the powers granted her by the Almighty Father, and the One we term, “Almighty Ancient Father Saturnus,” oftentimes slandered by those of the LHP as the Demiurge or spiritual tyrant. Above Lucifera, we worship God as Ancient Saturnus Almighty, who is closest in manifesting powers upon the physical plane of God’s unlimited source and eternal unseen selfhood. That said, we belong to the darkest side of Saturnian energy and the spiritually dark current of vampyrism, death, resurrection, and the vampyric apotheosis of becoming undead servants of destruction for the sake of spiritual balance in a predatory universe such as this one.
We do not aspire to become living gods or to self-deification so common in the western occult tradition, but undead lords and devourers of the eternal night and rulers of hell and damnation, with dominion over demons, lesser vampires, the damned, and disobedient gods. Satan, who while Saturnian in nature, is adverse to Lilith, to Lucifera, to Hecate, and seeks to keep the gates of hell open; Lucifera seeks to turn hell into a maximum security restaurant, devoted to restraining and devouring the damned.
Satan is not a vampyre. Lucifer is not a vampyre. Lucifer is not Satan. Satan’s name is Satanael prior to the fall, which was inspired by Lilith along with Lucifera to dupe Satan, whose jealousy against Lucifer led his pride to be played upon by Lilith and her thirst for divine violence. His inveterate hatred of the Father stems from the setup. And his fear of Lilith in no way makes them a happy eviler-than-thou couple. Lilith is darker, deadlier, older, and the daughter of Lucifera herself, with her allegiance now eternally pledged to the Empress of Hell, Lucifera, or Lua Saturni. This conflation of identities is the ignorant inheritance of medieval grimoires and a compulsively deranged male patriarchy. The same is true of the goddess of death, Sante Meurte, who was grafted onto Catholicism, then abandoned as idolatrous after the church seized the land, the money, and the souls of the ignorant.
*Direct Vampiric & Demonic Bindings * Vampire Blood-Bound Transformation
* Spirit-Entity Bindings & Spell-Casting * Free Informational Articles
These are the core areas of my practice, along with assisting those who feel compelled to follow the “crimson calling” and who have the desire, either inherited or developed, to make a full and irreversible vampire transformation under the sponsorship of Lucifera, or Lua Saturni, the Black Shekinah Vampire Goddess. The vampire realm includes several well-known dark goddesses such as Lilith, Kali, Hecate and others, but notoriously absent is the penultimate vampire goddess, Lucifera, or Lua Saturni, the Black Shekinah Vampire Goddess, whose sacred number is forty -that of testing, turbulence, trials and sacred rituals- and whose power circles the square of Saturn, as depicted in the logo of Vampire Ashram, much like the ring of Saturn itself, and whose number when added together is hers: 40.
In ancient times, Lucifera was extremely well-known and worshipped as Nyx, Tiamat, Diana Lucifera, Nocticula, etc. (see Notes from the Nightside for more info), but the remnants of her darkly divine nature were obliterated when religiously inspired confusion about Lucifer being a female force (that of Lucifera) were confounded with her name (since she is the eldest sister of Lucifer). She is best known by the title of her original nature: Lua Saturni, or Lua Mater. Lucifera is the destructive female force associated with Saturn, acting as the divine enforcer of Hell, and as the invincible force who answers exclusively to the Ancient Saturnus Almighty, the God who created the earthly realm, and who was worshipped as such by the Jews, Saturday being “Saturn’s Day” and their holy Sabbath. As such she is what the bible would describe as the Devil, but contrary to the bible, She acts solely in accordance to His divine will, having fallen herself in eons past. She is the Shadow Goddess and divine regent of Saturn, and is the destroyer of worlds, souls, and Empress of Hell. She is also the primal vampire, even as Saturnus is vampiric, as displayed in His devouring of His own son, or sons. God’s creation is but a pale reflection of these truths we hold as sacred and holy.
~About Our Spirit-Entities & Bindings~
Vampire Ashram caters to vampiric spirit-entities and demonics with various levels of power and personal abilities as described herein. All the bindings are done directly by Lucien Mars, in conjunction with Lucifera, the Primal Vampire Goddess. The level of every spirit-entity is strong in comparison to what many people experience in western occultism. We cater to the needs and desires of those who are searching for hardcore Alpha Class Vampires, Demons, and Hybrids of various types.
These entities have a very strong to extreme manifestation ability with an intense sexual presence and/or metaphysical power. Many can be used for a vampire transformation at a later date if so desired. They also exhibit higher metaphysical and/or sexual powers and abilities than most you may find elsewhere. Their energy is typically very densely felt, with a higher than normal frequency and field of physically felt energy. I bind only entities, not spirits, meaning the associated physical, sexual, and psychic energies may be intense.
Using a uniquely original method of matching and sourcing your name and date of birth with that of the spirit world, we are able to match your personal energy with the most compatible spirit-entity suitable for binding. We call it a Full Affinity binding, which was copyrighted in 1994 when I developed the method in conjunction with Lucifera. I am the original and only source for this type of binding which requires a multi-faceted conjuration, cross-referencing, binding and spellbinding.
~Our Vampire Ashram Full Affinity Custom Bindings~
A Full Affinity binding is based upon your full name and date of birth, then further empowered by a sophisticated spellbinding to maximize the connection and personalize the match, as selected by Lucifera. Once the binding is complete, a binding seal is sent via email with the name and oftentimes, the mantra of the individual entity chosen especially for you. The binding is immediate and the binding seal is simple and effective. A Full Affinity binding assures you of receiving a truly unique spirit-matched binding of superlative strength and power.
You may also opt to have a Full Affinity Binding performed for any associated spirit-entity listed, and frequently those not listed, with an additional charge for the increased level of conjuration time required. For custom conjurations, please inquire and we will provide an estimate of the cost.
~The True Blood Club: Our Eternal Discount Program~
The True Blood Club provides an opportunity to enjoy a lifetime discount on all listings (excepting the book, Vampire Arveda Yoga, which is fulfilled by the publisher, not us.) The discount varies depending upon whether or not you opt to make a full vampire transformation or not. For those who do so, a 20% lifetime discount is automatically offered on all listings. Otherwise, a general membership offers a lifetime 10% discount on all purchases made through this site for those who choose not to engage in a non-reversable vampire transformation.
A membership upgrade from the 10% to 20% discount becomes effective after the vampire transformation binding is purchased and completed. There is a one-time fee, which includes an immediate discount on all listings (excluding books), along with special offerings that only True Blood Club Members are eligible to purchase.
In addition to our True Blood Club discount program, we offer a convenient listing layaway program to insure the maximum flexibility and affordability of our work. The essence of it is simple: Contact us with the listing you wish reserved and placed on layaway. We will then invoice you for one-third of the net payment due (in case you are a True Blood Club member and eligible for either the 10% or 20% discount, it will be included on the invoice), with 30 days to complete payment. For higher priced bindings, the length can be extended to 45 days in certain cases.
~Full Blood-Binding Vampire Transformation~
I offer a full vampire transformation binding that is irreversible. It requires adopting Lucifera, the Black Shekinah Vampire Goddess (hereafter known simply as Lucifera) as your personal spiritual overseer and intermediary to the Ancient Father Almighty, Saturnus. Lucifera is the supreme power in the high-vampire realm, having the dual powers of heaven and hell at her disposal. Lucifera hand-selects the vampire sire of either sex as your spiritual mate and mentor. Her mission is to enlist and empower vampires seeking to inherit greater freedom and vampiric power in the afterlife than vampires normally acquire, in return for their loyalty to Lucifera, the Black Shekinah Vampire Goddess and Empress of eternal Hell.
The full vampire transformation requires a pledge of loyalty in exchange for the transformation. It also involves several drops of blood drawn with a sterile diabetic lance and a special rite and oath of secrecy overseen by Lucifera to effect the transformation. If the rite is given out to others, a curse falls upon the betrayer, their family and finances for three generations, as stated in the Bible, whose Jewish God of the Old Testament is Saturnus. Lucifera has the spiritual authority to transmute the lifeblood of a person into that of a vampire, matching the spiritual lifeblood of the chosen vampire sire, or destroy and damn those who prove disloyal to her. We do not make transformations via mortal to mortal blood imbibing, although the practice is not forbidden. This is not to say it is not effective, but it will not allow you to enter into the high-vampire domain governed by Lucifera. Vampires are not made by witchcraft spells; they are made in blood by the supreme Black Shekinah Vampire Goddess, Lucifera.
Those undertaking a vampiric transformation under Lucifera are subject to her divine rules and requirements. These are outlined in various departments in this website.
On occasion a person has adopted a vampire from another source who turns out to be legitimate and powerful enough to receive the approval of Lucifera for a full transformation, making said vampire an eternal blood-bound sire. In such cases, said vampire must pledge allegiance to Lucifera. Each case is judged on an individual basis, since many so-called vampire transformations are merely a transformation of your money into someone’s bank account. Blood money indeed, but without the blood, the money, or the actual spiritual and blood transformation.
For more information on our full vampire transformation, see the sub-site listed under “Vampire Transformation” for additional information, restrictions, and cost. We do require a questionaire be completed that is kept confidential that may be reviewd by one or more elders of Vampire Ashram. We also reserve the right to refuse a vampire transformation based exclusively upon the judgement of Lucifera and/or a combined decision of the elders.
~Our Demonic & Vampiric Specialty Sections~
Vampire Ashram caters to those seeking high-powered darker entities with special attributes as described. These include a wide variety of entities whose attributes and energy are time-tested and highly vibrant. While suitable for anyone who feels the particular pull of a given listing, in general be prepared for a very powerful conjuration and presence. This will vary naturally and safely according to the Full Affinity match when the conjuration is performed, insuring you that the match is meant for your level of vitality and energy.
Vampire Haven caters to those who enjoy a wide-range of experienced vampires and others, falling mostly into the grey range of vibrancy and physical presence, although this too will differ according to the personal match made by a Full Affinity Binding. Thus, you should be drawn by the listing and not be overly concerned about a particular generic applicability to your level of experience.
Desert Fire Collection caters to a boutique collection of exotic djinn, Egyptian entities and others, selected for the incredibly unique powers and presence. These are awe-inspiring spirit-entities capable of wowing even the most jaded. Suitable for anyone wishing to obtain some rare companions of power and metaphysical presence. When you’re ready to turn up the heat, these are the ones you need to meet!
The Sinister Assembly caters to specific demons and dark goddesses, with a unique binding that includes a channel to the associated senior demoness, demon, god or goddess.
The Sorcerer’s Cellar caters to an assortment of special bindings that have proven to be perennial bestsellers among those searching for powerful spirit-entities. Among the selection you’ll find a wide-range of our most popular bindings, suitable for the complete novice to the most advanced experience-wise.
The ISO Classified section features an eclectic assortment of individual spirit-entities, specially chosen for their unique and sometimes quirky or overtly powerful persona and attributes which will prove irresistible to a special someone ISO a spirit companion. It is a gallery of those who are seeking a special companion. Along with the other sites herein, many clients find an irresistible companion they fall instantly in love with in the ISO classified section. All of them have the liberty to select the person they most want a relationship with. If you find yourself returning to the same listing, it is due to the attracting force of a special companion and spirit connection ISO you!
Once the direct binding of your chosen companion is complete, a binding seal is sent via email with the name and oftentimes, the frequency mantra of the individual entity. The binding is immediate and the binding seal is simple and effective. Each Full Affinity conjuration is custom chosen by Lucifera, assuring you of receiving a truly unique spirit-matched binding of superlative strength and power.
The FAQ Information Section includes three sub-tabs: Vampire Resources & Recommendations; Dictionary of Terms; and an FAQ tab, all intended to assist in your own darkly-inspired spiritual path.
~Our Custom Conjured “Full Affinity” Collection~
Your best choice for a customized personal companion. For your consideration we proudly present our Full Affinity Collection. Rather than accept what may appear to be the most desirable spirit-entity at any given time, why not invest in a spirit-entity that goes far beyond the typical random selection approach? After painstaking research using real world clients, I developed the first and only truly customized conjuration that matches your birth date, name, personal energy and affinity, to that of the best and most desirable spirit-companion who shares the closest affinity to you, as selected by Lucifera herself, the sacred overseer of all the Vampire Ashram bindings.
Many spirit companions search for years hoping to stumble upon the one special spirit-companion that exceeds their wildest expectations, and whose essence, radiance, and presence evokes the strongest and deepest positive emotions. With a Full Affinity binding, you are assured that not only will the most compatible and eager companion be conjured for adoption, but moreover, you are likely to encounter and experience a truly life-altering relationship.
Obviously, you would choose a fully compatible friend or lover who shared the same sexual preferences (whether gay or straight), and who had the same goals, wishes, desires, and who would compliment your own strengths, so why select a spirit-companion without the same intimate measure of individuality? Spirit-entities are equally unique and just as eager to find their own soul-mate, in whatever terms you wish to phrase this feeling of affinity. We call it a Full Affinity binding, and coined the phrase and the evocation technology that makes it possible. This binding is therefore not available elsewhere, despite how many times it is stolen and plagiarized by wannabe witches and other bogus pretenders.
Vampire Ashram continues to be at the forefront of new and innovative conjuration and binding techniques that utilize highly specialized layering evocations that act as a web template to identify, select, and conjure the most able, powerful, and personally resonating spirit-entity for any given individual. The architectural evocations that are designed and honed to evoke just the right spirit-entity are what makes a Full Affinity binding so powerful, so personal, and so uniquely attuned to you alone!
Whenever you are ready to go beyond the ordinary, seek the extraordinary…select the Full Affinity Spirit-Entity who’s eagerly waiting just for you! The term “Full Affinity” is copyrighted by Vampire Ashram, Vampire Haven and The Sorcerer’s Cellar, as first introduced in 1994. Our distinctive Vampire Ashram logo is likewise trademarked and registered with the U.S. Patent Office. Those who steal our copyrighted listings and materials will have the name of their site highlighted and promoted as the frauds they are. For past offenders see our Notes from the Nightside and SCAM ALERT articles. No legitimate seller steals the listings of others, thus we attempt to protect the public, as there are already enough metaphysical copycats and rats to go around. If you steal our materials expect to receive the spotlight your fraud deserves with Scam Alerts being posted prominently to protect the public!
~Our Mission Statement & Occult Vampire Praxis~
Lucien Mars is the principal High Priest of Lucifera. Vampire Ashram has at present four Elders and a separately functioning forum site, part of which is private and restricted to those TVs (transformed vampires) as authorized by Lucifera and duly registered by Vampire Ashram. There is also a public side to the site. If interested, visit LuciferasVampireForum. com
My practitioner specialties are shadowmancy, immortal revivication from death, living revenant transmogrification, blood sorcery, necromancy, black Saturnian vampire-based rites, along with advanced practices not presented to the public due to widespread fraudulent internet pirates. Those who transform must vow themselves to an oath of strict secrecy, the violation of which brings a threefold curse upon themselves, their families, and their finances for three generations as prescribed and exectured by Lucifera, Empress of Hell.
Vampire Ashram is a Saturnian based blood gnostic religious vampire cult devoted to Saturn, to Lucifera, and to the predatory spirituality of Hell under the Will of Saturnus Almighty. With Lucifera as the Black Vampire Shekinah acting as the avenger for the Ancient Saturnus Almighty, and with Lilith acting as her lieutenant, we view no demon or vampire or witch or sorcerer to be beyond her powers to destroy, damn and eviserate in Hell at the behest of the Ancient Saturnus Almighty.
For more background information, please refer to our section, Notes from the Nightside and Vampire Transformations.
From Lucifera Herself: “Oh thirst, what fire can steal my flame, blood-born from above to below and beyond? I am the obsidian soul of a shadow’s shade, ignited by divine fire and eternal flame. I am Nyx. I am names within names and without name, untamed. In vengeance and love, I balance and unbalance all. I am fire. I am stone. I am heart, I am blood, and I am bone. I am the Devil unknown. I am vampyr, funeral pyre, and virgin fire. If I call, you shall come, for to my chosen I give eternal life-fire and to their blood, night-fire, and take life undone into the obsidian pyre. For I rule over the unruly and destroy those whom I despise.”~Lucifera-Nocticula
In Nomine Sanguis. In Nomine Lux. In Nomine Lucifera
“Freedom without power is impotence, and power without freedom is mockery.”
~Lucien Mars