About Lucien Mars

Lucien Mars works exclusively with Lucifera, the Black Shekinah Elohim and primal Vampire Goddess, providing the services of direct bindings of entities for over a decade.

Who’s Keeping Who? The Spiritual Racism of “Spirit-Keeping”

If one looks up synonyms for the word “keeper,” the most common synonyms include: keeper, n. 1) jailer, screw, turnkey, sheriff; guard, warden, doorkeeper, watchman; entry, sentinel. Other synonymous terms include: proprietor, owner, director, supervisor, custodian, overseer, etc. (source: The Synonym Finder, Rodale Press). So, let me ask you, would you introduce your wife as [...]

By |2023-10-22T17:01:37+00:00October 22nd, 2023|Notes From the Nightside|0 Comments