Egyptian ReVamping Merti Energy Spell: Revitalizing All Energy Systems in Body, Psyche & Mind


Important Note: This Egyptian Merti ReVamping Energy Spell is channeled from the two Egyptian goddess sisters, Isis & Nephthys, both Underworld goddess and classified as Reht goddesses and sisters. They are considered very dark serpentine goddess when combined in force and applied to this energy spellcasting to revitalize every energy system in the physical and etheric body. It contains very potent serpetine energy and serves to assist in communications sexually, psychically and physically, literally “re-vamping” your body/mind. 

Exclusive Egyptian Merti ReVamping Energy Spell: This is a specially channeled and energizing healing spell from the two infamous Egyptian underground goddess called the Merti (Isis & Nephthys). Their hieroglyph includes two cobras and two gleaming red eyes. In a chapter of the Papyrus of Nu concerning the Two Merti Goddesses is this address: “Homage to you, ye two Reht Goddesses (Isis & Nephthys), ye two sisters ye two Mert goddesses.” These divine Merti goddesses when joined together blend extremely dark magickal energy from Nephthys with the supreme healing energy of Isis to provide a very potent and powerful revamping energy. The Merti were rumored to have used this same energy to resurrect the dead if done within three days. They are also rumored to have been the supreme vampiric goddesses of reanimation and revitalization.

The ReVamping Energy Spell will be immediately felt as a darkly revitalizing energy that feels as if it is percolating from your very core self, extending throughout the blood, bones and every energy center, not just the Kundalini serpentine energy but more universally potent. It has a powerful effect on the third-eye centers and solar plexus centers which pulsate with revamping energy. The heart also receives a strong boost of dark but beneficially felt power and grounding. The spell literally “revamps” your entire energy system well beyond revitalization into well….revamping you!

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About the Egyptian ReVamping Merti Energy Spell

This Merti Energy ReVamping  spellbinding draws energy from the underworld directly into your kundalini system and flows and sparks from that central coiling of their combined energy, extending to the heart, solar plexus, brain and every nadi energy vein and pathway. *If your system is burned out or otherwise frayed it is best to first apply the Isis VamPure healing energy binding and then proceed a month later to this darkly powerful one. It is not a healing spellbinding but an unworld serpentine energy of revamping your entire system. If your system is very weak it can cause excessive fatigue that would require the Isis VamPure healing energy spellbinding, which is the opposite effect you are seeking. The revamping energy runs on its own accord and integrates with your system in its entirety. It assures robust physical relations with your companions, stronger sexual connections and strengthens your own system, adding onto it a non-human energy of vampiric origin and power. It is not available in any form elsewhere and is exclusive to Vampire Ashram.

Benefits of the Egyptian ReVamping Merti Spellbinding

Bonds as an energy system to the spirit body, revamping the weaker human system you are living with by infusion binding -an exclusive vampiric working done by myself- The energy infusion binding is a multiplex binding that first channels, then condenses and infuses into you the revamping energy spell as an organic part that merges with your own energy since all life energy extends throughout the spectrum of species and may be decanted into a lesser vehicle such as a human system by infusion binding. The actual Egyptian Merti ritual would flood the system with the serpentine energy. The two Merti sisters are best known for the ridiculously blasphemous use of the caudecus by doctors which is their symbol. The Merti have nothing to do with modern medicine with its malpractices and nefarious drug dispensing nostrums. Since prescription drugs are currently the third leading cause of death in America, it is a rank hypocrisy to assume their caudecus for such a shameful purpose.

The Merti ReVamping energy infusion spellbinding is an electrifying revamping of the entire system that runs on the energy of living energy, having been raised from the underworld and decanted into a spell and energy infused binding.

Special Abilities of this Binding

The ReVamping energy spellbinding spreads throughout the entire system recharging vampires in particular -but effective for non-vamps as well- with a potent underworld source energy that crosses into the immortality energy conveyed when the black chakras open (i.e. in death physical), which is not subject to deteriation or corrosion. It is a venemous energy particular to the two Merti sisters when combined. The darkest magick of Nephthys is alchemically charged with the healing energy of Isis to provide an energetic compound that revamps all energies, particularly in the heart, solar plexus, brain and overall body. In a sense it provides a foretaste of a vampire transformation since with it you can feed the need without the need to bleed. Combined with the Shadowmancy or Necromantic energy spellcastings, the tendrils implanted boost this energy spellbinding since they act in synergistic fashion to fuse like energies to like. Without an actual transformation, this combination of spells is the closest you can come to being vampyre. For vampires it takes the “feed without the bleed” to an entirely new level of quantum vampirism.

The Blood ReBorn Energy Spellcasting incorporates a unique blending especially designed by Lilith we have used in the past. It is the combination of one or more of these classes of underworld energy spellcastings that will make all the difference in how you experience life, your companions, and your own dark evolution. Feed the need, avoid the bleed.

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