The Kuru and the Keres Reptilian Bloodlines Reunite,

Shara-Daughter of Iblis Defects and the CiaKhar Grows in Power.

As News of the Supernatural goes, this past year’s news and the current round of issues is the most noteworthy of all. And it boils down to the same sin all the Abrahamic religions which God despises and for the same reason: patriarchial pride, the same pride that brought down and finally and utterly destroyed Lucifer. And despite the La La Land religionists who believe -as do the left handed yazoos- that Lucifer and Satan and the Devil are the same, that simply is not so. Satan is still alive and being tormented by his newfound nemesis Lilith who has become the consort of Drakarus, Emperor of the CiaKhar Empire. Under the joint rule of Drakarus and Lucifera along with Kurukulla and several unnamed demonic queens, all of whom serve the Divine Father, God Almighty. And He, the Divine Father has placed a curse on these very same man made religions who are actively working against the curse of His beloved son and messenger, Jesus. Jesus is not the only begotten. Look, if you can find but one crack in the mystical gibberish that is the so-called Holy Bible, the whole damned thing has to fall apart because it isn’t Holy, it isn’t inspired (which means inspirited by God). It’s a partial lie in criticial areas that is more egregous than if entirely false. If not, then Jesus -as named in Revelation- bears the name Amen , which as I have pointed out, is a dead “King of Serpent Kings” and another ego-inflated male serpent demon king who was killed in his revolution against their own version of the Aya Khar, Kurukulla. Most Christians go to Hell. Not because they’re Christians but because of their hatred against God, because they believe falsely in a salvation-to-sin freely and flagrantly in a holier-than-thou fashion and are violating a curse placed upon Israel if you want to get technical about it, by supporting Israel’s genocide in the mideast. That’s the tip of the iceberg and here’s why the mideast is the last fucking place America should be engaged in war. Why? Because Shara, the daughter of Iblis (*who once again is not the bozo Satan is. He’s smarter, crueler and is the king of djinn, and almost all djinn follow him out of fear.) He is livid with anger at the sudden defection of Shara, his daughter, upon whom he acted the typical tyrant male he always has been. And the stupid Christians are all bothered about Satan when it is Iblis who is the true danger to the Earth in general and who is adamant in his hatred of God, demeaning him as the Demiurge, creator of false light and all the other rank garbage spewed out by left handed lovers of all things dark for their own sake or in their insane quest to become living gods themselves (like the cannibal Christian theory of eat a god’s flesh to beome a god, same day different pagan god). As if it even matters because God can return any but Himself into the same nothingness from which He created them.

What the Devil is Going On?

So what the Devil is going on? It’s actually simple. Jesus, the divine messenger of the Father, cursed the scribes and pharisees for their role in keeping the populace from worshipping his Father, God. This is exactly what Christians do by claiming Jesus is the equal of God, a corrupted piece of trash inserted by the satanicaly inspired priests of yore. So fuck them, they’re already in Hell doing time for the crime. Christians don’t have a fire insurance policy. They’re judged on the basis of what they knew, and how they acted to either love Him by loving others, including blacks, gays and respecting women. Instead they hate Him, they don’t love God, there’s not a drop of love in 80% + of Christians. They’re hateful and spiteful hypocrites. Jesus warned his followers: Judge them by their fruits. And what are the fruits of Christianity? Death, hatred, malice, destruction, crusades, bloody Inquisitions, burnings at the stake, hypocrisy, political machinations and violence, bigotry, armed conflicts and wars galore. And various ET groups like the Verdants hate Christians to the core for their role in trying to establish a theocracy instead of a democracy. And although enemies of the CiaKhar, they know God and know what I’m telling you is true. God forsakes these hypocrites into Hell. Why? Because Jesus was telling everyone how God judges: upon their fruits, not their prayers, their donations or their godforsaken denomination. And they have it coming. But back to the issue at hand: When Jesus cursed the scribes and pharisees he cursed Israel as a land. That’s critical to understand, because the Father’s love of his son means that his death on the cross enacted a curse upon the entire country of Israel. A necromantic portal no less was opened when they did their deed to seal the curse. Thus, Isreal is a cursed land for all time. So by supporting Isreal in its genocidical policies, America is enjoined in the curse of supporting a land Jesus cursed and which the Father upholds because that’s where His son, one of them, was slaughtered. Why the entire country? Because Israel was a theocracy run as a Jewish institution. The Romans occupied it but left their religion to themselves until they became too much of a nuisance. The importance here is that Jesus cursed not just the scribes and pharisees, his curses extended to the whole of Israel and for all time. Oh, I know, that’s not fair. God’s evil. He’s the Demiurge. Or He’s all Love and Light and would never do such a thing. The fault is neither with God nor with Jesus, it is the wrath of God that is at stake and His Namesake which is Holy. Holy doesn’t bear the same meaning as Happy. And if Amen is the name of Jesus as stated in the Book of Revelation, then Jesus is a dead Reptilian Demon King of Kings who died at the hands of Kurukulla for openly rebelling and bringing Egypt into conflict with God. If so, your salvation and freedom to sin card is hereby cancelled. Your choice. The Bible is a lie. You can swear on a stack of bibles, and do or say whatever you want, God won’t hold it against you if you lie on a book of lies. Why would He? He doesn’t uphold lies, especially those told in His Name.

The Curse of Jesus Lives On~

Okay, so Israel as a land is cursed and the mideast by extension is embroiled in war. And America loves it all and hates Hamas rightfully for its terrorism. But what about Israel and the curse? *Note carefully: I do not have any political interest in what one country does to another or who runs what here on this sesspool called Earth. I’m merely telling you what is factual, not fanciful and you are free to discount it, or say this is another trick of Satan or whatever you wish, including believing what I’m telling you because I represent the truth of the Father. I don’t have a side other than the Father’s. That said, let’s proceed to why this is doubly bad for the world and the mideast in particular, and why Hamas and Iran and Russia now have an ally worse than Satan. And again, most Christians and Satanists remain dumber than a plastic Jesus on the dashboard of a NY taxi: his name is Iblis and he hates Father more than Satan. He’s smarter than Satan, stronger than Satan and he is the ruler of most Djinn who reside in the mideast as their sacred homeland, which America and Israel are threatening. Oh, and did I mention since he hates God, this means he hates Allah as well? So here’s his chance to kill three blind church mice at once: the Israelis, the Americans and the Muslims. What do these religions all have in common? For starters they all demean females as inferior while believing theirs is the only true religion and all others go to Hell. They’re also all Abrahamic in origin. And here’s where it gets hinky: Because Iblis has a daughter and a son. The son’s name is Zoobghah (zoob-gah) and the daughters’ name is Shara.

Zoobghah is the most violent of demonic lords, bar none. By comparison, Satan is a pixie angel. Shara is the personification of darkness and has psychic powers beyond either her brother or her father. So pay attention: She’s defected and joined the reptilian CiaKhar Empire. Why? Because true to form, demonic males -like their Christian counterparts and others- demean and despise females and Iblis has made her life one of sheer misery. So she split and wants him dead along with her brother and all his followers. She saw Lucifer’s life ended and decided the CiaKhar is the growing power in this universe and others, and which remains mainly matriarchal although the Emperor is invested with the blood of multiple goddesses and is considered by all or most, to be both ruthless but fair -especially towards females. Lilith is now his consort as well and beloved by the Father. She’s done an about face and this too is attracting female demons galore. Left hand practitioners know or will acknowledge none of this because they’re basically just as spiritually blind and stupid as Christians. After all, both aspire to become living gods and be able to sin without consequence by hook or salvation crook. Their mindsets exist within the vacuum the exact size of a magical circle or a crucifix made in China.

Revolt of the Naga Kings and the Nagini Empress~

Exit stage Earth and into the Nagini Empire where just recently the Empress and supreme ruler, Kurukulla, had to destroy one of her leading males who was planning the same type of revolution as Lucifer was planning: to shift power to himself and assassinate the Empress. The Naga Empire was once a kingdom with nine kings. It was fractured by wars until the Empress Kurakulla emerged as the supreme power. Kurukulla has a royal bloodline and it is that of the Kuru reptilian bloodline which veered off from that of two others, one of which was the Keres reptilian bloodline which is represented by Lucifera. So, when Kurukulla witnessed the assassination of Lucifer she could relate to the ongoing threats of male idiocy and pride, and in turn she is now seated alongside the Emperor of the CiaKhar as his consort, along with Lucifera. This is a stunning and momentous event. It means the Kuru bloodline of reptilian vampires and the Keres bloodline of reptilian vampires are reunited and will no doubt over time integrate the two into one major combined powerhouse of a bloodline. All praise is due the Father for this marriage of power and His is the worshipped way in the CiaKhar Empire. Some of the other goddesses who are aligned with the CiaKhar remain anonymous; others include Hecate, Lilith, Chamunda, Selket and their followers and legions. And most recently and notably, is Shara. Shara’s acceptance is an acceptance of war against Iblis and his followers and son. Since Iblis is helpless against the sheer power of the CiaKhar guess who he’s going to take his rage out upon? Humans. And specifically Israelis, Americans and Muslims. And they didn’t name it World War Three for nothing, folks!

Iblis wins regardless of Hamas, Israel and America. God’s forsaken this godless planet and His wrath will descend within this decade at a time of His choosing. And Christians, Israelis, and Muslims are His main focus for pain and war and suffering and Hell thereafter, when all mouths will be silenced. (You can imagine the cry for a Jesus they neither loved nor followed and a God they hated except as it might have in their delusional minds, allowed them to sin and treat Jesus as a totem against the bloody wrath of what they consider an evil God.) So God’s going to allow Iblis to do his worst because….well, the world has it coming. What’s the Devil got to do with it? Well, he hates Satan but wants all the souls Satan receives from the various Abrahamic religions and Satanists. And he’ll want all those Iblis has. He’s a collector of lost souls and works exclusively for the Father. More bad news for the spiritually dumb and blind. His name changes like the wind. He comes and goes and whereto or wherefrom ain’t nobody who knows.